DSAI Hub collaborates with AI Foundry

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MSc student, Andrew Nwanakwaugwu, worked on behalf of the AI Foundry who frequently supports organisations in the financial sector, including Chartered Financial Planners (CFPs). A lot of their work focuses on the analysis of performance of financial plans, and the assessment of valuations relative to benchmarks and market conditions. Andrew within this collaboration supported one CFP looking to enhance their service offering and increase their capacity.

Andrew recognised an opportunity to increase the CFPs capacity to support its clients, by reducing time spent on tasks which could be automated, through the development of an interactive user interface and text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis.

TTS synthesis is mostly used for translating text information into an audio formation. Andrew supported the CFP in implementing TTS synthesis as part of a larger project, which took data and produced client reports ahead of meetings, creating a short, animated summary and overview of financial plans and market conditions.

The placement had a significant impact on the AI Foundry’s operations and their ability to serve clients. By implementing data-driven solutions and leveraging AI, the company was able to support a substantial increase in the number of customers. This resulted in more accurate and timely decision-making, improved customer satisfaction, and ultimately, a positive impact on the company’s bottom line.

When asked about the project Andrew said “My placement at the Greater Manchester AI Foundry was the force I needed to move me to the Data Science industry (Workdone) as it gave me the UK work experience I needed. It allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting and gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in the data science and AI field. It prepared me for a successful career in the industry.”